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4 kinds of salt spray testing that can be done in the salt spray corrosion test chamber

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-07 Click:160

Salt spray corrosion test chamber uses brine or acidic brine to accelerate the corrosion of materials or products in a certain temperature and relative humidity environment, and reproduce the damage suffered by materials or products within a certain period of destruction level. The equipment can be used to assess the salt spray corrosion resistance of materials and their protective layers, as well as the process quality comparison of similar protective layers, and can also be used to assess the salt spray corrosion resistance of certain products.
Salt spray corrosion test chamber can do 4 kinds of tests: neutral salt spray test, acetic acid salt spray test, copper salt rapid acetate salt spray test, alternating salt spray test.

Neutral salt spray test:
When the test piece is placed in the box, do not come into direct contact with the box, but hang or place it on the plank, if it is in blade form, it should be at an angle of 15° to 30° to the plane. Spray tests are performed batchwise or continuously. Generally, 24 hours is an observation period. The intermittent type is sprayed for 8 hours and stopped for 16 hours, and the continuous type is sprayed continuously. If desired, different observation times can also be agreed. Customers can adjust the testing time depending on the use of the product and the location/environment of the transportation.

Acetic Acid Salt Spray Test:
Salt Spray Corrosion Test Chamber The laboratory capable of performing acetic acid salt spray test is environmentally reliable and electromagnetic compatibility Testing Service Center, Aerospace Third Academy, etc. The acetic acid salt spray test (ASS test) is developed on the basis of the neutral salt spray test. It is to add some glacial acetic acid to the 5% sodium chloride solution to lower the pH of the solution to oAbout 3, the solution becomes acidic and the final salt mist also changes from neutral salt mist to acidic. The corrosion rate is about 3 times faster than that of NSS test.

Copper Salt Speed ​​Acetate Salt Spray Test:

The salt spray test chamber can perform copper salt accelerated acetate salt spray test (CASS test) is a rapid salt spray corrosion test recently introduced in the abroad has been developed. The test temperature is 50°C, and a small amount of copper salt—copper chloride is added to the salt solution to strongly induce corrosion. The corrosion rate is about 8 times that of the NSS test. At present, there are laboratories that can perform neutral salt spray tests, such as the Environmental Reliability and Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Service Center, the Third Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology, etc.

Alternative salt spray test :
Alternative salt spray test is an extensive saltsspray test, which is basically a neutral salt spray test plus constant moist heat test. It is mainly used for cavity type complete machine products. Due to the penetration of the moist environment, salt spray corrosion occurs not only on the surface of the product, but also on the inside of the product. It is to alternately switch the product under two environmental conditions of salt spray and humid heat, and finally judge whether the electrical and mechanical properties of the whole product have changed.

In addition, the electrical control system of the salt spray corrosion test chamber is mainly composed of power supply safety control, temperature control and ultra-high temperature protection, heating circuit and gas electromagnetic circuit control circuit and other parts. Electricity In addition to over-voltage and over-current protection, the road is also designed with ultra-high temperature protection deviceat, that is, when the temperature of the laboratory exceeds the set value, the device will cut off the power supply in time to protect the safety of the test chamber. The temperature control is controlled by the temperature controller to control the laboratory heating device and the saturator. The change of the working temperature is sampled randomly and continuously by two temperature sensors and displayed on the instrument. The temperature controller will display the actual temperature and the set temperature value. After the equation is given a command to heat up or stop heating to control the temperature. When the temperature reaches the set value, it will enter a constant temperature state. The saturator temperature setting is generally 1-5°C slightly higher than the lab set temperature.

