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5 Key Tests for Automotive Interior Materials أداة الاختبار –

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-09 Click:152

5 key inspections for automobile interior materials

With the rapid development of the automobile industry, people stay in cars longer and longer, and the environmental quality in the car will affect more people\'s health. Health is therefore receiving more and more attention. Automotive interior materials constitute a significant source of pollution for the quality of the environment inside the car. They are mainly caused by organic solvents remaining during the production and processing of automobile interior materials such as textiles, leather and plastics, including volatile compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde and xylene. The pollution caused by this reason is particularly significant in new cars that have just been purchased.

The existing safety performance evaluation indicators of automobile interior materialsThe mainly include atomization value, flame retardancy, odor, formaldehyde content and gas emissions from volatile compounds. Since there is a lack of control standards for environmental pollutants in vehicles in China, some companies have not paid enough attention to environmental pollution in vehicles and have not taken corresponding measures. Pollutants for which there are no standard limits, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other carcinogens, will most likely create a “black hole” of pollutants. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen monitoring and testing of the on-board environment, increase the monitoring elements of on-board pollutants, and formulate limits of on-board pollutants to objectively reflect the air quality conditions in the car, promote the prevention and control of pollutionn on-board environmental and consumer safety protection. Physical and mental health has become a pressing issue.

At present, there are many safety test indicators for automotive interior materials, and different indicators also have corresponding standards. To organize the qisnun, we will select some commonly used tests.analysis indicators:

1. Determination of air pollutant content in the vehicle

Depending on the source of pollutants, air pollutants are detected on non-metallic materials, parts and entire vehicles. There are three main categories of tests for air pollutants in cars: odor assessment, which relies primarily on the human sense of smell for quality assessment (VDA270), and electronic nose measurement (SAEJ351) can also be used; quantitative analysis of pvolatile organic olluents (VOC), including top air chromatography, thermal desorption method, high performance liquid chromatography, etc. ; for the determination of carbon and nitrogen oxide content, the non-dispersive infrared gas determination method (GB/T28370) can be used.

At present, national standards have been published for VOC testing on complete vehicles, but there are no relevant standards for VOC testing on non-metallic parts, and National VOC testing methods for non-metallic parts are not unified. . Your certification standards for parts and materials include: ISO12219, VDA270, DIN13130, DINEN13725, VDA275, VDA277, VDA278, SAEJ351 and many other standards. Regarding the test methods and limit requirements for organic pollutants for complete vehicles, testing and evaluation are mainly based on national standards.onal HJ/T400-2007 and GB/T27630-2011.

2. Flame Retardant Test

Flame Retardant TestThis is a test method for the ability of the measured object to retard the continuation, propagation and diffusion of flame. After years of development, flame retardancy testing has given rise to various standards and has become a very important testing item in related industries. Most combustion performance tests of vehicle interior materials require that the test materials be subjected to different fire sources in harsh test environments using fire sources specified by the standards, and then the phenomena combustion of materials are observed and evaluated. For example, GB8410-2006 specifies the test satisfies hoods and indicators for evaluating the combustion characteristics of automobile interior materials. The flame retardance test can also refercomplies with the following standards: DIN75200, ISO3795, ASTMD5132, FMVSS302, JISD1201, UL94, etc.

3. Atomization performance

By performing atomization tests on automotive interior decoration materials, the volatile substances contained in these materials can be controlled to effectively reduce The pollution of the automotive environment is become an important means of control for manufacturers of automobiles and automobile interior materials. product quality.

At present, fog test methods for automotive interior materials include gravimetric method, gloss method and haze method. Their principles of nebulization are the same and they are all obtained by using the principle of volatilization and condensation of substances. In the nebulization process, the difference is that the measured parameters are the condensation components, the nebulis valueation or mist. The standards which include the German standard DIN75201, the American standard SAEJ1756, ASTMD5393, the British standard BSEN14288 and the international standard ISO6452.

4. Prohibition of flame retardants

Although flame retardants can slow, stop or make it difficult for flammable substances to burn, they are harmful to the human body and the environment. Cause harm, some flame retardants (such as brominated flame retardants) have been included in the prohibited list, as the European Directive 76/769/EEC clearly states that brominated flame retardants are prohibited. The testing process for banned flame retardants is generally as follows: the sample is ultrasonically extracted with a solvent, filtered to concentrate the extract, and detected by GC-MS/LCMS/GC-NPD. Testing can be performed by referring to the methods specified in GB/T30512-2014 \"Requiresnces relating to substances prohibited in automobiles”.

5. Other performance measurements

The testing principle of polycyclic aromatic drocarbons is to cut the representative sample into pieces and use suitable solvents (such as toluene, cyclohexane, etc.) to sonicate. Or Soxhlet extraction, after purification, use gas chromatography-mass spectrometry or high-performance liquid chromatography for analysis. The German certification standard GS ZEK01.4-08 clearly stipulates the limit requirements and test methods for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The detection limit for each PAH measured by this method is 0.2 mg/kg. Additionally, standards that can be referred to include: ISO/TC45/SC3, EPA-TO-13A, NFX43-404-12-2009, VDI4300Blatt2, etc.

