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Carding machine wool carding and cotton carding

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-06 Click:179

The card is a spinning machine that combs the previously processed spinning raw materials into a single fiber state to create a thin layer of web-like fibers, which are then assembled into fiber strips.

The ancient card This instrument evolved from the card (comb boards with slanting pin teeth attached to the two boards). By the 18th century human methods had largely given way to mechanical methods. Since the 19th century, there have been many advances and innovations in various cards, and a variety of specific carding machines have emerged.

Carding machines are classified into two types: rotary flat carding machines and roller carding machines. The former is mainly used for carding and cotton-like man-made fibers (middle and long fibers), while the latter is mainly used for carding wool and other long fibers. Among the basic mechanisms of most carding machinesning include feeding, precombing, primary combining, stripping and bobbin formation(winding).


1 Wool Carding Machine1.1 Der Mechanism of carding machine and the function of each part1.2 Common defects and causes of wool carding process2 Cotton carding machine2.1 The structure of cotton carding machine2.2 Common defects and causes of cotton carding process

Wool carding machine

The machines used for carding wool are general roller carding machine. The roller carding machine gradually separates the fiber bundle into individual fibers by repeatedly carding and stripping the fibers, and the cylinder, work roller and stripping roller perform this basic function.

The mechanism of the carding machine and the function of each part

The card is divided into three main sections: the feeding and opening section, the pre-carding section and the maincarding section.

The large cylinder has 5 work rolls and 4 dehairing rolls and the fiber bundles are thoroughly combed and mixed between the large cylinder, work rolls and dehairing rolls and transition from bundles to individual fibers. There is also a pinwheel on top of the large cylinder, the task of which is to pull out the individual fibers that are in the deep area of ​​the needle gap of the large cylinder after carding, thereby facilitating the transfer to the doffer.

There is a significant carding effect between the large cylinder and the doffer. The doffer cuts off part of the fibers on the large cylinder at high speed. The high-speed oscillating knife creates a continuous web and then delivers it to the next card where it is re-carded by the bridge type machine.

The purpose of the two Wiping rollers is to reduce noils. A drain floor ist present Also located under the opening roller, the feed roller and the giant cylinder and is used to reduce hair buckling.

Common mistakes and causes in the wool carding process. Hair grains may be caused by a discrepancy in the thickness of the blend or too much shorn hair, poor raw material condition, improper moisture recovery on the machine, incorrect carding pitch or arc length of the pinwheel, a fuzzy needle point and other factors. Prevention methods include: acceptable selection of mixed material, strengthening of raw material inspection, improvement of moisture recovery, strengthening of mechanical health inspection, etc. Flies: During the spinning process, the number of flies on the machine, the ground and in the air will increase and collect due to improper cleaning or failure of the machine on the cotton collection device, sharp increase in thread breakage, abnormal temperaturer and air conditioning humidity or poor airflow.

Flying defects form in the package. Prevention methods include: establishing the cleaning cycle based on the cleanliness of the workplace op, frequent maintenance and testing of all types of cotton collection equipment, such as B. typical spinning equipment, and conduct a thorough checking of the spinning speed. Errors in the same thickness can be caused by different types of raw materials, or by the same type but with different degrees of combination, as well as unequal skill levels of combination technology personnel. Prevention methods include selecting appropriate raw materials, improving staff training, and optimizing carding machine process parameters, etc. Knots mostly occurred because the raw materials were not fully cleaned in the previous manufacturing process, or because subsequent processes, such as B. spun yarns, notthoroughly cleaned, resulting in knots in the yarn. Prevention strategies include improving raw material cleaning management and strict enforcement of post-processing cleaning process requirements, among others. Cotton carding machine

The function of the cotton carding machine is to use the pulling force and elasticity of the carding machine to smooth out impurities such as roughness and various hairs, short fibers, particles and films to improve the purity and quality of cotton fibers and ensure that they meet the needs of spinning.

The structure of the cotton carding machine

The structure of the carding machine is usually divided into three parts: the pre-combing part, the main carding section and the sliver part shown below:

One part of the pre-carding process includes lickerins, feed rollers, feed boards, dust cleaning knives and tiny drains. The lickerin is the main knockoutcomponents of the pre-carding roller. Its surface is covered with sawtooth stripes and its rotation speed is quite high. The surface of the cotton feed roller has axial straight grooves, and pressure devices are attached to both ends. The curved surface at the front end of the cotton feed plate connects forces with the cotton feed roller to create a pressure jaw that makes it easier to grip the cotton feed. Dust knife and curved drain trays with mesh or dust rods to hold fibers and remove dirt and lint.

The main comb component includes the cylinder, cover plate, doffer, giant drain tray and other components. Both the cylinder and the doffer are hollow cylinders wrapped with carding fabric. The cylinder is larger in diameter and serves as the main body of the machine. The main components of the main comb are the cover p end and barrel. The total number of cover plates ist typically 106-110 pieces, with 41-43 working cover plates interacting with the cylinder.

Squeegee roller, bell mouth, giant pressure roller, sliver reel, and other components make up the sliver making section. The task of the scraper roller is to cut the cotton bundles into small bundles. The bell mouth is used to change the length, width and thickness of the fiber bundle. The fiber bundles are compressed into ribbons by spinning. Large press roller. Woolen tops are wound using cotton yarn winders.

Common mistakes and causes of the cotton carding processMany neps:: Problem with raw materials. The fiber is thin, and if the length is too long, if the fiber is long, it is easy to bend and easily deform into neps. In contrast, the fiber has high stiffness and significant cross-sectional inertia, and is difficult to bend and deform. When the feeding load is high and the number ofNeedles per unit weight is low, there is a greater chance that the needle teeth will not catch the needle, resulting in more neps. If done correctly, a reduced feed load has a positive effect on reducing the number of neps.

The specification and the condition of the card clothing have a direct influence on the carding quality. and the needle teeth must be sharp, smooth, free from needle defects and debris, and clean at all times. The temperature and humidity in the workshop are more prone to the formation of neps. Dry cotton has a high moisture recovery rate and is easy to wind around the drum: when the moisture recovery rate is low, the static electricity is significant and it is difficult to wind it around the drum. In general, the relative humidity should be kept between 70% and 75%. The number of carding points should be under strict supervisiont be held. When the fibers have reached a certain degree of carding, the number of carding points should be kept to a minimum.High short fiber rate

There is a problem in configuring parameters such as speed ratio, strength, cotton feed amount and machine speed.

High weight unevenness. The thickness of the cotton layer being fed is uneven. Bad cotton layer. Bad machine status. Parameter settings are not consistent. High uniformity. Poor configuration of the process parameters and bad card twists lead to bad carding status, cloud spots, holes, broken edges etc. on the cotton web. The distance between left and right is different, and the pickup transmission is uneven.

