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Determination of pilling properties of fabrics according to the Martindale method

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-03 Click:175

1. Reference Standard:

GB/T 4802.2-2008 Determination of Pilling Properties of Textile Fabrics Part 2: Modified Martindale Method (GB/T 4802 Test of Pilling Properties of Fabrics The measurement consists of four parts, namely the circular track method, the modified Martindale method, the pilling box method and the random tumbling method.These four methods are used to test the pilling performance of fabrics.The content of this section is based on the Martindale instrument for testing fabric fabric abrasion , explaining the method of using this instrument to test the pilling performance of fabrics.)

2. Test Tool:
Martindale Abrasion Resistance Tester

3. Test Principle :
Under the specified pressure, the round sample on the sample holder rubs against the abrasive on the grinding table (the same cloth or woolen abrasive as the sample to be tested) according to the Lissajous curve. The monstercan rotate freely about the central axis perpendicular to the sample plane. After the defined rubbing period, the test pieces are assessed for linting and pilling by visual description.

4. Brief introduction of the main testing equipment:
(1) Sample armature: mainly consists of three parts: sample armature, sample armature ring and sample armature guide shaft. The first two are mainly used when installing the sample.
(2) Grinding table: it consists of a pilling table, a clamping ring and a holder for fixing the clamping ring.
(3) Sample Installation Auxiliary Device: The equipment necessary to ensure that the sample in the sample holder is free from wrinkles during installation. The side view is as follows:

The upper part is a groove that fits the sample holder. When installing the test sample, first put the sample clamping ring on the auxiliary device for installation, put itt Felt and the sample on the sample armature and bend it upside down into the groove of the auxiliary device, then place the clamping ring on the auxiliary device. The specimen holder is tightened so that the specimen wraps around the specimen holder. When installing, the sample must be flat and wrinkle-free.
(4) Pressurized hammer: Make sure that the abrasive installed on the pilling table has no creases or wrinkles.
(5) Sorting box: Use fluorescent or incandescent lighting to ensure that the sample is evenly illuminated across the entire width, and care should be taken to avoid the observer looking directly at the light. The angle between the illumination device and the sample plate should be kept between 5° and 15°. The distance between the eye with normal corrected vision and the sample should be 30 cm - 50 cm.

V. Requirements for test materials and auxiliary materials:
The main test materials and auxiliary materials arecomposed of test samples, abrasives (wool fabric abrasives) and felt.
Put the sample and felt on the sample mount and place the sample on the outside of the felt. The felt diameter is (90 ± 1) mm and the sample diameter is 1400 + 5 mm.
Place the same material or abrasives and felt as the test sample on the pilling table, both of which have a diameter of 1400+5 mm.

6. Evaluation of pilling performance:
The evaluation box should be placed in a dark room.
Place the tested sample and an untested sample side by side in the center of the sample plate of the evaluation box along the length of the fabric (if the test sample has been pretreated before testing, then Control samples must also be pretreated. Accordingly, if the test sample has not been pre-treated before testing, the control sample should be the sample without pre-treatment). The tested samples are shown on the leftand the untested samples on the right. Reviews are subjective and it is recommended that at least 2 people review. The appearance of the sample and its grade are as follows:

Record the grade of each sample, and the assessment result of a single person is the average value of the grade of all samples. The test result of the sample is the average value of all staff ratings. If the average value is not an integer, it is rounded to the nearest 0.5 level and expressed by \"—\", such as 3-4. If the difference between a single test result and the mean value exceeds half a digit, the grade of each sample must be reported at the same time.

