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Discuss the influence of fabric structure and yarn properties on the tear tester test.

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-10 Click:117

If the fabric is subjected to a local concentrated load for a long period of use, it may reach its strength limit and be torn into cracks by the concentrated load, thereby damaging the fabric. In actual production and research, it is necessary to test the tear resistance of woven fabrics. Currently, the most common testing methods are single-seam method, trapezoidal method, drop weight fabric tear tester method, etc.

Use the single-seam method to analyze the process of tissue tearing and fracture. the fabric and discuss the tear and warp thread in the direction of the weft of the fabric. During a tear with a single suture, a stress-bearing triangle forms at the tear. When the stressed weft yarns in the sample gradually separate from top to bottom, the warp yarns that are not directly sbraided fibers begin to have some relative slip with the stressed weft threads and gradually move closer together, forming an approximately triangular area. At the bottom of the tear opening, the warp threads of the stressed triangle together bear the pulling force. Among them, a warp thread at the bottom of the triangle bears a large force, and the force of other warp threads gradually weakens according to a certain load gradient. Due to the frictional resistance between the wires, slippage is limited. When sliding, the tension of the wire increases rapidly, and the deformation and elongation also increase sharply. When a warp thread that forms the base of the stressed triangle is deformed to the point of elongation, the warp thread breaks. The stress state of the second warp thread is immediately transformed into the state preceding the breakage of the first warp thread. Repeatedly, a warp thread Theybreak one after another, forming a fracture surface that looks like a knife.

Discuss the influence of fabric structure and yarn properties on the drop fabric tear tester test:

·Fabric Structure

Fabric structure affects fabric tearing. This is a significant impact. Among the three original weaves, the tear strength of plain weave fabrics is low, and the tear strength of twill and satin weave fabrics is higher than that of plain weave fabrics; the density of the fabric increases. As the number of threads stressed increases, the tear strength of the weave increases. But the density of the fabric is too high. The frictional resistance between the yarns increases, which affects the tear resistance of the fabric.

·Yarn properties

The tear resistance of the fabric is proportional to the breaking strength of the yarn and its elongationent to break; yarn twist increases, which in filament geotextile fabrics increases slip resistance, yarns are difficult to bundle, and tear strength decreases; The friction resistance between the warp and weft yarns affects the tear resistance mainly due to the properties of the yarn and the tear resistance of the filament geotextile fabric structure. Have a negative impact.

