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Experimental study on the surface adhesiveness of automobile interior parts أداة الاختبار –

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-09 Click:126

Experimental Study on Surface Stickiness of Automobile Interior Parts

At present, the surface of most automobile interior plastic parts has been spray painted. Spray painting has two main functions: beautifying the appearance of interior plastic parts; protect plastic parts - improve their resistance to scratches and light aging. However, due to factors such as price, the future development trend of automobile interior parts is no longer paint, which poses a challenge to the performance requirements of plastic parts. In the natural environment, due to the combined effects of light, high temperatures and humidity, various substances in the interior plastic parts of automobiles react with each other, causing unexpected problems. For example, during exposure tests nWhen used outdoors on complete vehicles in South Africa and Arizona, the surfaces of automobile interior parts were found to be sticky.

1. Preliminary research results of the accelerated laboratory test

After finding that the surface of the interior parts of the vehicle was sticky during the outdoor natural exposure test of the vehicle, it was accelerated in the laboratory. The tests studied the stickiness phenomenon of several samples. The test samples are No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5, and each sample has 2 repetitions. The TSBD-002-2009 (General Pan-Asian Test Standard) test conditions [1] are shown in Table 1.

Every 96 hours of exposure constitutes one cycle, and each cycle must Test if the sample surface is sticky. The total exposure time is 5 cycles and 480 hours. The degree of adhesiveness of the sample is evaluatedaccording to the provisions of TS-BD-002-2009. Table 2 presents the results of the specific tests.

Currently, there is no more objective method for assessing adhesiveness. We use the hand touch method and use our fingers to feel if the sample is sticky. As shown in Table 2, samples #1, #2, #3 and #4 did not appear sticky, but sample #5 was. Figure 1 is a photo of the exposure surface of sample No. 5-a after being exposed for 480 hours. It can be clearly seen that the fingerprints left on the sample surface due to the stickiness of the sample surface are clearly visible.

When the above samples were exposed in accordance with the test conditions [2] of SAE J2412 Standard for Automotive Interior Parts shown in Table 3, no stickiness was observed. find.

To evaluateif a sample is sticky, the same manual touch method is used. Figure 2 is a photo of sample No. 5-a after 480 hours of exposure. As the sample did not appear sticky, no fingerprints were found in the photo.

2 Systematic research and testing plan on the adhesiveness phenomenon

The above accelerated laboratory test is only a preliminary study on the adhesive phenomenon on the surface of automobile interior plastic parts. Don\'t most plastic parts feel sticky under SAE J2412 testing conditions? What is the correlation between TSBD-002-2009 accelerated laboratory testing and outdoor testing? In order to solve these problems, we will conduct a systematic study on the surface adhesiveness phenomenon of automobile interior plastic parts. The test plan is shown in Table 4.

Currently, we haveprepared test samples, and the study of adhesiveness testing system will start later.

3 Advantages of Flat Panel Xenon Lamp Test Chamber

It is best to evaluate the adhesiveness test results immediately after exposure, so that the installation and removal of the tested sample must be suitable. Figures 3 and 4 are schematic structural diagrams of the flat plate xenon lamp test chamber and the rotating xenon lamp test chamber respectively [3]. It can be seen that as long as the flat panel xenon lamp test chamber door is opened, the stickiness of the sample surface can be evaluated by touching it, which is very convenient; While in the rotating test chamber, the sample must first be removed from the sample rack and then evaluated. , which takes more time and is not as ideal as the first of a point of ergonomic view.

4. Method for evaluating adhesiveness test results

As mentioned above, currently we mainly judge the adhesiveness phenomenon on the surface of the sample by hand touch. This rating method is relatively simple to implement, but it is very subjective and different raters may give different levels of stickiness. Therefore, in future systematic studies on the stickiness phenomenon, in addition to comparing the relationship between accelerated laboratory testing and natural outdoor exposure, we also need to study whether there is a better evaluation method sticky test results.

One of the assessment methods used is the film test. After the sample is exposed to sunlight for a period of time, a special film is covered on the surface of the same sample, and then a tensile machine is usedto shoot the film. The stickiness and surface level of the sample are judged by the readings on the tensile machine.

Another evaluation method to use is the cotton or powder test. Similarly, after the sample has been exposed to sunlight for a period of time, a cotton ball or special powder is sprinkled on the surface of the sample at a certain distance directly above the sample, and then the sample is turned over, leaving only the cotton or powder stuck to the surface of the sample. The stickiness and quality of the sample can be judged by the amount of cotton or powder remaining on the surface of the sample.

In addition to the above two evaluation methods, it is not excluded that other, more reasonable evaluation methods can be devised and used during the testing process.

5 Conclusion

The phenomenon of stickiness on the surface of plastic partsAutomotive interior stickers are attracting more and more people\'s attention. This article conducts preliminary research using accelerated laboratory testing methods and illustrates the convenience of flat panel xenon lamp test chambers for pointing testing. In the future, we will carry out systematic research to observe the correlation between laboratory accelerated testing and natural outdoor exposure, and try to find a more reasonable adhesion evaluation method, with a view to solving the adhesion problem of automobile interior plastic parts as soon as possible. possible.

