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Factors influencing the color fastness of textiles

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-07 Click:188

The elements that affect the color fastness of textiles are divided into internal and external elements. Internal variables are the stiffness of the dye-fiber combination, while external elements are the external forces exerted by external sources or the environmental conditions presented by the product when in use. Since external causes cannot be controlled, manufacturers should endeavor to improve the color fastness of their products.


1 Choice of dye1.1 According to the characteristics of the fiber1.2 The color depth1.3 The color fastness rating of the dye itself1.4 Dyeing speed1.5 Good compatibility between dyes1.6 Minimizing the number of dyes required2 Selection and use of additives2 .1 Choosing the right auxiliary2. 2 Minimize amount of retarder2.3 Select color fixative2.4 Soap and wash2.5 Use fabric softenerden3 dyeing process

Dye choice

The color fastness of a product is determined by the dJa. There is no way to achieve high quality color fastness unless the dyeing chemicals are properly selected, no matter how wonderful the auxiliaries and the dyeing method. Only after selecting the appropriate dye can we proceed to the next step.

Depending on the properties of the fiber

Different dyes have different combinations with fibers, and the tenacity of the bonds also varies. After determining the type of dye, then select a dye with good drying performance.

Dying woolen fabrics, for example, with the same strong acid dye, China\'s performance in dyeing with strong acid dyes is not so good as in other countries. Not only the color is bad, but also the hardness of the combination. Or the same Strong acid dyes and the combination fastness and vibrancy of different dyes and wool are also different. The color fastness of wool yarn dyed with weak acid dyes, for example, is higher than that of strong acid dyes. And cotton or recycled cellulose fiber fabrics can be dyed with either direct or reactive dyes. Silk textiles can be used in conjunction with mild acid dyes, reactive dyes and individual direct dyes.

The Depth of Color

After determining the main categories of dyes, it is important to choose the dye to use based on the color system and the depth of the dyed color.

First, choose a dye that is similar to the shade of the color you want, and if different, use other dyes Change the color.

Second, consider the color fastness index of your chosen dye. The color fastness of the dyes is small, and the method can increase the color fastness by half a level at best.

Thirdly, check whether the saturation of the dye can reach the desired color depth. If you choose a dye with a very low staining rate, the required high color depth can be temporarily achieved after processing. The dye does not adhere stably and will peel off when used or reprocessed.

The color fastnessSS rating of the dye itself

The color fastness series of the dye is presented in the introduction to each dye. When choosing dyes, follow the color fastness series specified by the product and the color fastness of the dyes that match the color, for example, the color fastness can only reach 2-3 or even 1-2 classes, and even the best tools and dyeing processes can not articles with Dyeing 4-5 degrees of color fastness.

Because the color fastness of the dye is mainly due tothe binding force between the dye and the fiber is determined, no external force can create a secure connection. Even if it improves once the color is fixed, it cannot survive the damage caused by external causes such as washing and friction.

Dyeing Speed

Different dyes have different dye absorption speeds, and the dye absorption speed of the same dye varies depending on the coloring circumstances. Therefore, when choosing dyes, the staining rate should be considered, otherwise the dyes will compete. That is, one of the dyes occupies the dyeing position of the fiber in advance, so other colors simply dye the surface of the fiber and cannot evenly bond with the fiber, causing the fiber to be dyed in the subsequent process or in the daily use initially destroyed. This causes certain colors to fadetint to a completely different shade than the original. Therefore, when choosing a dye, it is necessary to choose a dye that has a drying speed similar to that of the fiber under the same conditions, which is also very beneficial for the next step of the process formulation.

Good compatibility between dyes

Different dyes within the same dye family have different degrees of compatibility. The higher the compatibility number, the better the dyes\' ability to match colors. The dyes that match the shade must be compatible with each other. For colors that are difficult to spell, it is recommended to use three main colors. The three primary colors are the most commonThey are compatible with any type of dye and can also achieve the most complete and accurate colors. Therefore, it is recommended to use the three primary colors to identify certain unusual and difficult-to-color onesto achieve color tones and to carefully avoid the use of additional colorants. This is prone to competition and staining.

Minimize the number of dyes required.

When choosing dyes, you should first choose a dye with a hue similar to the color you want, and then choose one or two dyes to supplement, use shade that is absent from the main dye, and you should choose a dye that belongs to the same color system. The color dyed in this way is pure, bright and clean, beautiful and full.

Try not to use four or five dyes for dyeing, because dyeing is not easy and it is not easy to find one perform a large number of staining operations. In addition, although the color is the same, the dyed hue is not bright and full, and the dye cannot be fully combined with the fiber, resulting in poor color fastness.

Selection andUse of additivesChoose the right adjuvant

The choice of additives is crucial after deciding on the type of dye. In general, use excipients that are as close as possible to the dye. If we are talking about an ordinary dye that is used regularly, then it is important to focus on determining the amount of auxiliary and the technique of use. IED in batches to increase depletion rate. It can also increase dye adsorption and play a role in color fixation.

Minimize the amount of retarder

The amount of retarder chemicals used to delay dyeing should be kept as low as possible as they would otherwise have a displacing effect. On the one hand, this reduces the absorption rate of the dye, but it also reduces the binding force between the dyes and increases the Faser, which reduces color fastness. The uniform dyeing effect can be produced for the hue that is easy to dye by changing the dyeing and heating speed.

Selection of color fixing agent

The application of a color fixing agent improves the color fastness of dyes by at least 0.5 to 1 degree. However, when choosing a fixative, the fastness of the dye as a whole and not just to specific elements should be examined. For example, when reactive dyes are treated with low molecular weight or polyamine type cationic dye fixatives, the washfastness of the fabric is 4 to 5, but its lightfastness decreases. We must strictly regulate the amount of color fixing agent and color fixing temperature and color fixing time when fixing the color.

Soaping and washing

When soaping and washing, it must be fully washed, and the washing temperature and time must be guaranteedbe ironed otherwise the color will float on the surface The fabric will fade during use.

Use of fabric softener

A fabric softener treatment is required to give the product a plump and soft appearance. Plasticizers are classified as cationic, anionic, nonionic, or silicone plasticizers. After the dyeing process, the softener iThis is the last step. Subsequent interaction between dye and emollient can affect color fastness, especially when the silicone emollient is used after dyeing with acid dyes. When softening, some of the dye can even be lost, resulting in a noticeable lightening of the color. Result, When softening, the amount of fabric softener should be precisely matched, otherwise it will not only feel sticky, but also affect the color.

Dyeing Process

The dyeing process is the most important link in the dyeing process. Dyeing time, heating speedIndity and holding time must be determined when developing the process depending on the colorant and the product. For light colors, the heating rate should be moderate and the dwell time short, for dark colors, the heating rate can be fast, but the dwell time must be long enough for the dye and fiber to mix properly and play a role in color fixation.

In summary, there are many factors that affect the color fastness of fabrics. With internal factors of all products, action processes are in place to ensure the product has excellent color fastness indicators and meets the needs of daily use and reprocessing. For external factors, all production processes are in place to ensure that the product meets the needs of daily use and remanufacturing In terms of color fastness, we must consider the variableswhich could affect the color fastness, e.g. B. washing temperature, detergent and washing technique, friction strength and exposure time, according to the use requirements of the product, so that the product can be used more effectively lively.

