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History of the Cotton Spinning Machine

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-06 Click:189

Cotton spinning machines are machines that convert (or spin) prepared cotton roving into usable yarn or thread. The following is the history of cotton spinning machines.


1 Early Spinning Tools2 Spinning Wheel3 Spinning Jenny4 Water Frame5 Spinning Mule6 Throstle7 Ring Spinning Machine8 Open-end spinning9 DREF friction spinning

Early spinning tools

The early spinning tools were quite simple, consisting of just a spindle and a winding rod. The loose fibers are twisted into yarn by spinning the spindle like a top, which is then wound onto a winding rod. The Indians developed this crude instrument and turned it into a spinning wheel, replacing the hand spinning spindle with technology, but only yarn could be made.

Spinning Wheel

In 1030, the Islamic world created the spinning wheel. It later spread around 1090 after China and then via t to Europe and IndiaIn the Islamic world in the 13th century.

Up until the 1740s everything was spun by hand with spinning wheels. The Jersey wheel was the most advanced spinning wheel in Britain, but as an alternative, the Saxon wheel was a twin-belt thread-wheel spinning wheel where the spindle, using both fingers, turned 8:6 faster than the runner.

Spinning Jenny

The contemporary spinning machine introduced in England. Hargreaves and his wife, British weavers, were at work on One day in 1764 they were at home, one spinning and the other weaving. Back then they used hand spinning wheels. Hargreaves accidentally fell over the spinning wheel and saw that the spindle had changed from horizontal to upright but still kept turning. Omenon made Hargreaves think: Since the spindle can rotate vertically, it would not then be possible to spin numerous yarns ifmultiple spindles would spin at the same time?

So Hargreaves built one himself to his own design. A spinning machine with 4 wooden legs, a rotating shaft under the machine, slide rails on the machine and 8 vertical spindles was finally created after several tests and modernizations.

Water frame

In 1769, British inventor Charles Arkwright patented the \"hydraulic spinning machine , \"which was powered by a water wheel to turn the tape. The roving is steamed (pulled) and twisted by being wrapped around a spindle. It is a massive, heavy machine that requires electricity and was known as the water wheel in the late 19th century. The Water Spinning Machine outperforms the Spinning Jenny in efficiency, yielding a stronger and more compact yarn.

Spinning Mule

Crompton created the Spinning Mule in 1779. Crompton is also English. He has as Textilarbeiter and used the \"Spinning Jenny\" and is familiar with its disadvantages. After several years of painstaking research, Crompton finally constructed this The \"Mule Spinning Machine\". Because it has the advantages of both \"Jenny Spinning Machine\" and \"Hydraulic Spinning Machine\". The British jokingly nicknamed her \"The Mule\" and subsequently dubbed her \"The Mule Machine\". The Mule Machine. ” spun thin, durable yarn that was widely used in textile mills of the time.

It got its name because it is a hybrid of these two machines. The mule consists of a stationary frame containing a creel with the roving connected by a headstock to parallel beams containing the spindles. It uses an intermittent process: as it traverses, the roving is released and twisted. And when traversing backwards, the roving is clamped, the spindle rotates, and the roving becomes newyarn is spun.


The Throstle frame is related to the Water frame. It works on the same principles but is more elegantly constructed and powered by steam. The Danforth throttle frame was developed ca1828 in the United States. The heavy flyer vibrates the spindle and the yarn winds up every time the frame stops, but to no avail.

Ring spinning machine

The \"ring spinning machine\" was invented in 1828 by Americans. The roving is fed to this machine from spinning drums which draw it into finer yarns which are then twisted into bobbins by rotating runners. In the current spinning business, the \"ring spinning process\" is widespread. The ring The spinning machine has a very large circumference; each machine can contain up to 500 spindles, the spindle speed reaches 2000 rpm. And the coil can be replaced automatically once it is full,which leads to a very high production speed.

Open-end spinning

Open-end spinning is a process for producing yarn without using spindles. It was conceived and developed in 1963 at the Cotton Research Institute in Ústí nad Orlicí, Czechoslovakia. It is also referred to as fractional spinning or Rotor spinning.

DREF friction spinning

Friction spinning, also known as Dref spinning, is a textile process used for spinning coarse yarns as well as challenging core-sheath yarns. dr Ernst Fehrer invented the technology in 1975. He had started developing this alternative to mule, ring and rotor open-end spinning with the aim of overcoming the physical-mechanical capacity limits in yarn technology and increasing production speeds increase.

Dref yarns are thick and have a low tenacity, making them ideal for blankets and mop yarns. They can be spun from asbestos or carbon fibersand can be used to make filters for water systems. This process can be used to spin yarns such as rayon and kevlar.

There are three main technologies for spinning fibers today:

Roving spinning, which uses 20th-century ring spinning technology is used for high-quality threads, open end, rotor, or broken spinning is used. For other yarns, use fFriction spinning.

Friction spinning is the fastest of these methods, but the yarn is uneven and thicker, making it suitable only for certain uses.

