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How do countries around the world test car safety? أداة الاختبار –

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-09 Click:127

How do countries around the world test car safety?

Once upon a time there was a questionnaire survey of 100,000 consumers. The results showed that the car performance they were most concerned about was safety. No matter how profitable it is, consumers wouldn\'t think about it until the security is good. bought. In fact, consumers in other countries around the world think so too.
In order to improve car safety and reduce social costs, governments around the world are currently using the new car safety assessment system, NCAP (New Car Assessment Program), which is the new automobile crash test. This is the test that best tests the safety of a car.
NCAP was first used in the American market in 1979. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) carried out safety tests on cars produced by manufacturers.rs automobiles. On May 21, 1979, it was the first head-on collision. During the test, the speed was then 56 km/h.
Subsequently, the NCAP security assessments system was adopted by various countries around the world. Cars in the US market meet US Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). Other countries around the world have formulated their own automobile safety standards.
Europe introduced NCAP in 1997 and the UK was the first country to implement it. Other European countries have since adopted the British test results. The Euro NCAP assessment system is basically the same as that of the United States. Since then, Australia, Japan and other countries in the Americas have also started using NCAP tests. South Korea first began automobile crash testing in 1999. It appears that before 2000, automobile safety in manyx countries and manufacturers was average.
In addition to NCAP, which exists in each country, there is also a global NCAP organization. It is an association formed by different countries implementing NCAP in 2011. It will make the draft assessment of NCAP public.

IIHS Safety Test& NHTSA NCAP (United States)
NCAP has two agencies in the United States that test vehicle safety. The initial NCAP testing was conducted jointly by NHTSA and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), a nonprofit subsidiary of American Insurance Company.
Although government agencies and private groups have differences, they have the same goal: to make cars safe and reduce the damage caused by traffic accidents. The NHTSA uses “stars” to divide it into several levels (5 stars is a perfect score). The IIHS uses four grades: “G” (Good), “A” (Acceptable), “M” (Margunal), and “P» (poor). ComeMake a note.
There are also some differences in testing between the two U.S. auto safety testing agencies. NHTSA conducts safety testing in accordance with the U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). The 56 km/h frontal impact test is one of its representative tests, and it also includes the most severe rollover test. Since 2003, more rollover test items have been added as there are more SUVs and pickup trucks in the United States. These vehicles have a higher center of gravity and are particularly prone to rollovers.
The IIHS focuses on frontal crash testing, which is more stringent than the NHTSA and uses two overlapping crash testing methods. One is a wall-mounted car acceleration crash test (moderate overlap crash test) and the other is a frontal crash test with a contact area of ​​25% (crash test with a small overlap).
Because in real traffic accidents, compared to 100% frontal collisions, the frontal part is more likely to be impacted, so the IIHS devotes a lot of energy to frontal collision testing with 25 % of contact surface. Both tests were carried out at a speed of 64 km/h. The 25% frontal crash test implemented in 2012 has become one of the most rigorous safety tests in the world. Vehicles that pass this test can maximally protect the driver\'s body, legs and knees after an accident.
The IIHS tests are also constantly evolving and becoming more and more stringent. When the 25% frontal crash test was first implemented in 2012, three vehicles scored \"A (Good)\", but it has now become difficult to get \"A (Good)\", let alone “G (Good).” />In 2009, the IIHS joined the rollover testvehicle, which requires high roof strength. Until now, the IIHS test is one of the most renowned automobile safety tests in the world.

Euro NVAP (European Joint)
Euro NCAP was first introduced by the Transport Research Laboratory in the United Kingdom. Based in Brussels, Belgium. The evaluation standard is also 5 stars, evaluating 4 items including adults, children, pedestrians and safety protection configuration. Adult Safety The test is the same as the other elements of the NCAP test, but in Europe it is a 50 km/h collision with a fixed wall and a 64 km/h frontal collision test. h with a contact area of ​​40%.
The focus is on assessing injuries to the legs, head and chest of passengers in the event of a frontal collision. There are “mannequins” simulating adult men, women and children in the driver’s and passenger seats.er and even rear passengers. Mannequins can even simulate elderly people. The fixed wall test with 40% contact area mainly examines the vehicle\'s ability to absorb shocks. 50 km/h height When two cars collide at high speed, the safety of the cockpit space after the collision of the two cars and the energy absorption of the airbag during the collision. In addition, there is a side impact test at 50 km/h, and a side impact test at 32 km/h against a 254 mm diameter pillar.
The child safety test evaluates the ease of use of the car seat and its safety in the event of a collision. Pedestrian safety collision assesses injuries to the pedestrian\'s head and legs. The safety configuration test is a test in which the vehicle uses electronic systems to protect the vehicle in the event of abnormal front braking, lane departure, etc.

ANCAP (Oceania)
Evaluation ofThe Oceania New Vehicle Safety Test (ANCAP) began in 1993. Cars sold mainly in Australia and New Zealand were assessed for safety and the total rating was five stars. The assessment criteria are very similar to Euro NCAP and safety assessments for adults and children are disclosed separately.
The frontal collision is also a high-speed crash test with 40% of the frontal contact patch at 64 km/h. The side impact test is carried out with a 950 kg object at a speed of 50 km/h, and the side impact test such as a telephone pole is carried out at 29 km/h. In addition, ANCAP also carries out pedestrian collision tests and pedestrian spinal tethering tests.

JNACP (Japan)
The Japanese JNACP was introduced in 1995, and the 55 km/h frontal conflict test is the most basic test. In 2009, the same test of cfrontal collision with a contact area of ​​40% than that of Euro NCAP was implemented. The test used an adult male mannequin who was 175 cm tall and weighed 78 km.
The side impact test is an object impact test at a speed of 55km/h. In 2009, spinal and hand injury safety assessment was added. The Pedestrian Safety Assessment evaluates pedestrian head injuries. Additionally, emergency braking tests are carried out on dry and wet roads, etc.

South Korea (KNCAP)
Automotive safety researchers affiliated with the Korea Transportation Safety Bureau conducted tests on 121 passenger cars. , 4 minibuses and 2 trucks from 1999 to 2014. Passed the test.
Comprehensive evaluation of frontal collision safety, partial frontal collision safety and side collision safety. Since 2013, 9 test items have been addedincluding side impact, emergency braking, pedestrian safety and rollover tests.

NCAP (New Car Assessment Program) is the new automobile crash test. This is the test that best tests the safety of a car. The United States, Europe and Japan all have mature relevant regulations and regularly conduct frontal collision and side impact safety tests on new cars produced and imported into the country to verify the extent injuries sustained by the driver and passengers of the car during a collision.

