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Interpretation of centrifugal fan and axial flow fan selection analysis

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-06 Click:172

First of all, we need to understand the difference between centrifugal fan and axial flow fan, as well as the matching relationship between flow rate and pressure of fan and system; in order to accurately explain which fan to choose under which working condition;

1. The difference between centrifugal fan and axial flow fan: centrifugal fan is axial air inlet and outlet radial airflow, using centrifugal force (depending on speed and outer diameter) to do work to increase air pressure, so under the same size (and speed), the pressure generated is greater than that mixed and axial flow fans; while the air volume is lower than that of mixed-flow and axial-flow fans; Axial flow fans have axial air inlet and axial air outlet, and use thrust (lift) to do the work through the angthe inclination of the blades, so under the same external dimensions (and rotation speed), the pressure generated is much smaller than that of the centrifugal fan, and under the axial structure, because the flow area is much more large than that of the centrifugal fan, the air volume is larger than that of the centrifugal fan;

2. When selecting, it is necessary to consider the piping structure of the system and system resistance to match the internal characteristics (pressure, flow, speed) of the fan; if the resistance of the system is large and the structural size is small, the centrifugal fan should be selected, because the working flow rate of the fan is first the exhaust air volume on the assumption that it generates pressure to overcome system resistance; for cooling, the air volume (flow rate) is sufficient, and the excess air volume will causeconsuming invalid power to the fan; Engine efficiency; on the contrary, if the system resistance is small and the structural size is large, the axial flow fan should be selected; because the low pressure generated by the axial flow fan is enough to overcome the resistance of the system, it can discharge a large amount of air; it should be noted that: the fan operates, if the pressure it generates cannot overcome the resistance of the system, the volume of air generated is zero; under these operating conditions, the fan is doing unnecessary work;

