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Introduction to technical requirements for fabric combustion performance in major global commercial markets

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-10 Click:115

Technical regulations on flammability performance of textiles and clothing in major trading countries
1. The United States
The United States passed the Flammable Fabrics Act (FFA) as early as 1953 and successively imposed regulations in 1954 and 1967. Amended, enacted by the U.S. Congress, and enforced by the U.S. Safety Commission of Consumer Products (CPSC), the bill mainly contains technical specifications on the flammability of textiles intended for clothing and interior decoration, prohibiting the importation, production and sale of highly flammable textiles. Sex textile clothing. On this basis, the CPSC also formulated: flammability standards for edible textiles (16C.F.R.1610); flammability standards for vinyl plastic films (16C.F.R.1611); flammability standards for children\'s pajamas: No. 0 to 6X (16C.F.R. 1615); In standardsflammability of children\'s pajamas: No. 7 to 14 (16C.F.R.1616); Surface Flammability Performance Standards for Carpet Products (16C.F.R.1630); Surface Flammability Performance Standards for Carpet Products (16C.F.R.1631); Flammability Performance Standard for Mattresses (16C.F.R.1632).
The above technical standards are all mandatory in the United States. All textiles and related clothing sold in the US market must be tested accordingly and must meet specified requirements for flame retardant performance. In addition, some states in the United States also have technical regulations on flame retardant properties of textiles, such as California Technical Bulletin No. 117, which mainly concerns interior decoration textiles, porous elastic materials, fiber filling materials non-artificial, artificial filling materials. materialx fiber filling, fluffy materials, etc. Flame retardant properties and test methods are specified separately.
(1) Flammability Standard for Apparel Textiles (16C.F.R.1610 is similar to ASTM D1230)
This standard primarily targets apparel textiles (except hats, gloves and shoes) and divides the flammability properties of clothing and textiles into three categories. Level 1: Conventional flammability, generally refers to fabrics with flat surfaces whose flame spread time is ≥ 3.5 s when tested by the specified method, or fabrics with raised surfaces whose flame spread time is ≥ 3.5 s when tested by the specified method, or to fabrics with raised surfaces whose flame spread time is the flame is ≥7s when tested by the specified method. These textiles are suitable for clothing; Level 2: Moderately flammable, generally refers to the flame spread time of 4-7 seconds when the surface fleece fabric is tested by the methode prescribed. Such textiles can also be used for clothing, but care must be taken; Level 3: Rapid and violent combustion. This generally means that when the surface pile fabric is tested according to the prescribed method, its flame spread time is less than 4 seconds. This type of textile is not suitable for making clothing. If tested and found to be highly flammable, these textiles cannot be marketed or purchased under the regulations. According to the test method of the standard, it is similar to that of the American Society for Testing and MASTMD1230 hardware standard (45° tilt method). Each test requires 5 samples with a size of 5.08 cm (2 inches) × 15.24 cm (6 inches), which are dry cleaned separately. and test before and after cleaning.
(2) Flammability standard for vinyl plastic films
This standard applies to non-rigid polyethylene plastic filmss and unsupported, to films of materials (including transparent, translucent and opaque, flat and uneven surface, molded or other surface finishes) and polyethylene. plastic film with a thickness of ≤0.33 mm. It is required that the average burning speed of five samples in each longitudinal and transverse direction does not exceed 3 cm/s, and the test is carried out in accordance with the test procedures specified in the standard (45° tilt method), using an SPI. combustion tester.
(3) Flammability standards for children\'s pajamas
The flammability standards for children\'s pajamas (No. 0-6X) and the flammability standards for children\'s pajamas (No. 7 -14) are applicable to Nos. 0 to 6X and 7-14 respectively. Children\'s pajamas include pajamas, pajamas and similar clothing, but are not considered children\'s pajamas diapers, underwear, clothing for babies (under 9 months) and tights. The test methods and flame retardant performance requirements stipulated in the two standards are basically the same. It is necessary to test five samples of 8.9 cm × 25.4 cm according to the test method (vertical method) specified in the regulations. The average carbon length of the samples does not exceed 17.8 cm (7 inches), and the carbon length of a single sample does not exceed 25.4 cm (10 inches). Additionally, the regulations also require that all terms of protection requirements be stated on the safety label of children\'s pajamas.
(4) Surface Burning Performance Standards for Rugs and Carpets
These two standards apply to all types of rugs and carpets. Carpet refers to carpet used in homes, offices or hotels, with a one-way dimension >1.83m and an area of ​​2.23m2. Small rug (carpet) means a rug of a simple size<1.83m and an area <2.23m2. The requirements of both standards are basically the same. It is required that at least 7 of the 8 carpets or rugs tested meet the requirements of the standard. The size of the charred part of a single sample during testing is within the range of 2.54 cm to qualify. Test methods and procedures are specified in the regulations and test reports must be provided to retailers or distributors. If the carpet or its fibers have a flame-retardant finish, there should be a “T” on the label.
(5) Mattress combustion performance standards
Mattresses in this standard include portable, double-layer, core-equipped water beds, air beds, sofa beds, etc. for adults, adolescents and infants. However, cotton covers such as sleeping bags, pillows, beds filled with liquid or gas, sleeping chairs, etc. are not suitable. are excluded.Test according to the method specified in the standard (cigarette method). If the length of the charcoal is malection around the cigarette does not exceed 50.8 mm (2 inches), the single cigarette test site is qualified. It is generally necessary to light 18 cigarettes to perform a test. Until any part meets this standard, the mattress will fail. Additionally, regulations also require that mattresses treated with flame retardants be marked with a “T” on their labels.
2. Canada
Canada\'s regulations on the flame retardant performance of textiles and clothing are included in the Dangerous Goods Rules and Regulations. The Canadian Legislative Assembly first formulated the “Hazardous Products Regulations” and then approved the “Hazardous Products Regulations” on this basis. \"Ordinance on dangerous products (children\'s pajamas), \"Ordinance on dangerous productsux (mats), \"Dangerous Products (Tents) Regulations\", \"Dangerous Products (Toys) Regulations\" and \"Dangerous Products (Mattresses) Regulations\". These regulations must strictly comply with the provisions of the \"Dangerous Pro \"Conduit Regulations\", but the \"Hazardous Products Regulations\" also rely on To implement these regulations, Health Canada is responsible for sending inspectors to enforce the rules and regulations on dangerous products.
(1) \"Hazardous Products Regulations\"
The \"Hazardous Products Regulations\" states that any flammable, toxic or other product that poses a threat to public health and safety is a dangerous product, and that textiles and clothing should also be included among them. This regulation requires that if ordinary textile fiber products are tested in accordance with ASTM D1230, if the surface is flat fabric, thehe flame expansion time must be greater than 3.5 s; if the surface is fleece fabric, the flame expansion time should be more than 4 s. For pajamas, pillows, beds, cradles or other textiles used for sleeping in sizes ≤ 14X, if tested in accordance with ASTM D1230, the flame expansion time should be greater than 7 s. For various rugs, carpets and blankets, the flame expansion times should conform to those of Canada. The Canadian Government Standards Board (CGSB) standard CAN/CGSB-4.2No.27.6-M84 is used for testing, and the test results of the samples must be within the range specified by the standard 4- GP. -155M.
(2) “Hazardous Products (Children\'s Pajamas) Regulations”
“Hazardous Products (Children\'s Pajamas) Regulations” stipulates flame-retardant properties, test methods and flame-retardant instruction labels pajamas for childrenants. After testing according to the test methods stipulated in the regulations, the results must meet the following requirements: 1) The average carbon length of the five samples does not exceed 178 mm; 2) The carbon length of at most one sample is equal to the total length of the sample (254 mm).
Children\'s pajamas treated with flame retardant treatment must be accompanied by a safety label clearly indicating the flame retardant (flame retardant). Product instructions must be in English and French. The key manufacturing process must be specifically stated and the product must be provided to the agent. This will not reduce the flame retardancy of the product after sale or use.
(3) \"Hazardous Products (Carpet) Regulations\"
The \"Hazardous Products (Carpet) Regulations\" do not contain special provisions on the flame retardant properties of carpets, but require that labels of texCarpet tiles carry flammability warnings. If the size of the mat is >2.16 m2 or the length is >1.8 m or it is a combination mat, the label must state: “Caution – Flammable – Cannot be used in places with open flames or high temperatures”; if it is a rug intended for non-indoor use, indicate this on the label: \"Caution - Flammable - cannot be used in places with open flames or high temperatures, and is also prohibited for use indoors.\" Express it in English and French, and the font should be clear and visible.
(4) “Dangerous Products (Tents) Regulations”
The “Dangerous Products (Tents) Regulations” stipulate the flame retardant properties of textile materials for tents. This regulation adopts the CPAI-84 standard published by the Technical Textiles Association in 1980, which corresponds to the specifications of flame retardant materials useds in the tents. The materials of the tents are tested according to CPAI-84 standard, and their flame-retardant performance requirements are as follows: l) The length of damage caused by crushed materials does not exceed 25mm; 2) The afterburning time of a single sample of wall and roof materials does not exceed 4 s, and the average of samples the afterburning time does not exceed 2 seconds; the length of damage of a single sample does not exceed 255 mm. The average damage length of the sample is regulated differently depending on the weight in square meters of the sample.
In addition, the regulations also stipulate that tent product safety labels must carry the specified flammability warning language, in clear and conspicuous characters, and expressed in English and French.
(5) “Dangerous Products (Toys) Regulations”
The “Dangerous Products (Toys) Regulations” precises flame-retardant performance requirements and test methods for plush toys made from textile fiber materials. When the sample is tested in accordance with the test procedures specified in the regulation. , the flame propagation time must be greater than 7 seconds. Five samples must be tested each time. If one fails, five more samples are tested. If two out of ten samples fail, it means that the product does not meet the requirements of
(6) “Hazardous Products (Mattresses) Regulations”
The “Hazardous Products (Mattresses) Regulations” states that Mattresses must comply with Canadian standards CAN/CGSB–4.2No.27.7– before entering the market for sale. For M89 testing (cigarette method), the charring or charring length around the cigarette cannot exceed 50mm in any direction, and the sample continues to burn for no longer than 50mm.us 10 minutes after extinguishing the cigarette.
Japan does not specifically stipulate flame-retardant performance requirements for clothing products, but it does stipulate flame-retardant performance for carpets, curtains and other textiles in most commercial buildings. Specific regulations are included in the Fire Protection Act. . The Fire Protection Act requires that textile curtains and carpets used in public buildings and places requiring fire protection must have certain flame retardant properties, and carpets of 2 m2 or more must be tested and certified by the Japan Flame Retardant Association. The regulations also state that any carpet or curtain with fire-retardant properties must carry a prescribed \'fire-retardant label\'.
4. Australia
Each state in Australia has its own technical regulations. Regarding the ownersflame retardant protection of textiles and clothing, Western Australia enacted the \"Fair Trade Act 1987\" and the \"Fair Trade (Children\'s Evening Wear and Products)\" Information Standards) Regulations 1988\", Tasmania enacted the \"Act 1973 on Combustible Clothing\" and the \"Combustible Clothing Regulations 2002\". New South Wales has promulgated the \"Fair Trading (General Requirements) Regulations 2002\". These technical regulations mainly stipulate flame retardant performance and methods of testing children\'s evening wear between sizes 0 and 14. Children\'s evening wear includes children\'s pajamas, nightgowns, bathrobes and sleeping bags and is tested in accordance with the methods specified in AS/NZS1249 and must meet the safety of children\'s formal wear in this standard.
5. United Kingdom
The United Kingdom has stricter safety requirementsflame retardant for evening wear. In 1985, it promulgated the \"Evening Wear (Safety) Regulations\", which replaced the previous \"Women\'s Pajamas (Safety) Regulations\". The Formal Wear (Safety) (Amendment) Ordinance was enacted in 1987 and applies to all clothing worn as formal wear.
Regulations require that the combustion performance of children\'s evening wear (clothing for children aged 3 months to 13 years) meets the requirements of British Standard BS5722 and is tested in accordance with the provisions of BS5438. Baby clothes (under 3 months) and adult formal wear must have safety labels indicating whether they meet flammability standards. If the evening wear has been finished with a flame retardant, it must carry an appropriate warning label indicating its washability or appropriate detergents. It must be washed in accordance with the procedures ofcleaning to BS5651 standard before testing its flammability.
This regulation is made within the framework of the general provisions of the Consumer Safety Act 1978. It will be considered illegal to supply products that violate this safety regulation.

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