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New opportunities in the children’s clothing market open up opportunities for “textile instruments”

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-10 Click:126

The two-child policy was implemented in 2016. It is believed that the number of births will increase to a certain extent in the future. On the other hand, the continent\'s only children have entered the stage of having children and are more willing to spend money on high-quality products and services than the previous generation. It is estimated that the continent\'s maternal and child products and infant-related service industries will bring great benefits to businesses. Lots of business opportunities. According to Standard Group forecasts, 2016 is the first year of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” and the effects of the “two-child policy” could be manifested from 2016 to 2018.
According to statistics from the National Health and Commission family planning, approximately 90 million couples of childbearing age are eligible for the two-child policy nationwide, and the number ofhe births per year during the 13th Five-Year Plan are expected to range from 17.5 million to 21 million. Although the number of births may not match authorities\' expectations, China\'s huge birth population and the number of additional babies will certainly expand the market for the mainland\'s maternal and child products and related services. The National Health and Family Planning Commission predicts that new second-child births will occur mainly in cities, accounting for 76 percent of all new second-child births. According to the \"CBME China Maternity, Infant and Child Consumption Market Report 2015\", the average monthly childcare expenditure of urban families accounts for about 11% of the family\'s monthly income, and the average monthly childcare expenses are approximately 1,012 yuan (RMB, as below). According to this calculation, if one million new children are born nationwide every year, it will bring an additional 9.23 billion yuan of business opportunities to the market for maternal and child products and services in cities and villages. On the other hand, when family income increases, child care expenses also increase relatively.
From the above data, it can be seen that the children\'s clothing market will see a small peak in the future, which is good news for the textile industry. The Standard Group survey reveals that since 2014, the global economy has declined and China\'s textile exports have continued to decline. The textile and clothing industry is facing enormous pressure due to weak domestic demand. At the same time, as China\'s demographic dividend disappears, enterprises\' labor costs are gradually increasing. Manyits textile businesses suffered successive losses. This also put pressure on textile equipment born from the textile industry. The industry has brought unfavorable factors, directly causing difficulties in the development of the textile instrument industry. Insufficient domestic demand hampered the promotion of foreign trade. Many textile instrument companies are struggling to survive.
According to statistical data released by the National Health Commission, \"Standard Group\" estimates that more than 75% of newborns in my country will be born in cities and towns, and most of these people live in third-line or higher cities. . In terms of consumption, they belong to the middle class, in terms of consumption power and consumption, should be more inclined to children\'s clothing and other clothing products for national end use, this ist therefore a major growth point for the domestic textile industry in the future and will certainly alleviate the current difficulties of the textile industry.
For the textile instrument industry, with the growth of the textile industry and the increase in consumer demand for product quality, the textile industry will have new requirements and standards for instrument control. products, so the textile instrument industry must be timely Understand market dynamics, establish product quality testing standards, and meet the needs of textile enterprises.
Standard Group believes that in the face of such opportunities, textile instrument companies should do the following::
1. Stay on top of market trends. The current children\'s clothing market will inevitably enter a period of explosive growth. Quality requirements and testing standards forConsumers and regulators of the children\'s clothing market will inevitably be improved, so it is necessary to understand the market in a timely manner. standards and consumer demands, and meet the upgrading needs of various textile enterprises for textile testing instruments.
2. Strictly control quality. Currently, China\'s manufacturing industry is generally underdeveloped. The impression given in China is of poor quality, crude production and low prices. What if we changed this image? The country\'s \"Thirteenth Five-Year Plan\" focuses on planning the Made in China brand and strives to achieve the goal of \"Intelligent Manufacturing in China · 2025\" by 2025. Therefore, instruments and instruments textiles should proactively pursue internal reforms and do a good job in the dual improvement of product quality and brand. .
3. Actively develop brand awareness. At present, competition in the textile instrument industry is relatively fierce. In certain areas, competition has reached its peak. Fierce competition in the price war has emerged. This is bad news for the textile instrument industry. Brands often follow quality. Together, many textile instrument companies are currently pursuing low prices to win customers. However, low prices often mean that quality cannot be guaranteed. Many cooperations become a one-time process, which affects business confidence in the textile industry and also affects the company\'s reputation, which is why price war is not recommended. The textile instrument industry must understand the importance of building a good brand.
4. Standard Group believes that the active expansion of itsactivities is an important proposition for textile instrument companies. There are still many needs in the marketing department that have not been discovered. Textile instrument companies must learn to actively expand their business through various channels in order to increase sales. This can ensure the stability and overall development of the company.
The above are some simple personal opinions of Standard Group. Of course, the textile instrument industry is a broad category. Currently, no single company can be king, so many companies have the opportunity to grow and actively serve and help their customers. Problem solving is the fundamental principle of business existence.

