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Problems faced by national textile instruments and solutions

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-10 Click:125

*, my country is a major textile producing and exporting country. Currently, textile exports account for a very high proportion of foreign trade exports. Therefore, the country has always supported foreign trade policies and support for textile exports. As the coexistence of textiles, textile The instrument industry has also developed rapidly. The export of textile instruments has gradually opened up the market, along with the export of textiles. However, as a primary textile instrument manufacturing industry, many domestic textile instrument manufacturers still face a series of problems.
First, the target market is unique
At present, my country\'s textile instrument exports mainly rely on basic manufacturing industries. The textile instruments exported are ilow-end instruments in the field of textile instruments exports. In terms of scope, that is, in terms of technical industry and added value, domestic textile instruments have certain shortcomings, and the target market and types of instruments are unique.
The second is the increase in production costs
Competition in the market has intensified. In 2014, China\'s labor cost was three times that of Vietnam, Myanmar and other countries, and 3.8 times that of India. In 2015, the overall average expected salary increase in China is 8.4%. Rising production costs and rising manufacturing costs have caused China to lose its export advantage. The textile and clothing market faces a risk of loss. Likewise, the low cost advantage of textile instrument exports is no longer, which will haveinevitably has an impact on the export earnings of textile instruments.
The third is that private enterprises dominate
At present, China\'s textile instrument market lacks brands and brands, and the export of textile instruments is mainly exported by small and medium-sized enterprises. companies, both in terms of the strength and influence of the company. They do not have strength advantages, so small and medium-sized private companies do not enjoy such competitive advantages. The lack of domestic enterprises with exceptional strength in the field of textile instruments has led to increased difficulties in exporting.
Fourth, technical trade measures are becoming more and more strict.
Enterprises lack research on technical trade measures, which increases their burden. Lhe wave of environmental protection is intensifying around the world, and many countries and organizations have formulated increasingly strict technical standards, green environmental labels and environmentally friendly packaging systems. The United States, the European Union and Japan have continually introduced new technical regulations, which have increased companies\' export costs. The Standard Group\'s investigation found that the new changes will inevitably lead to the abolition of many of the original rules, or even the entire bat.ch goods will be of lower quality. Half of this kind of loss can be borne by large enterprises or powerful enterprises, but for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, they do not have this ability to resist risks, making export risks increase.
In response to the issues mentioned above, Standard Group believes that my country\'s foreign trade textile instrument exports should follow the following response policies:
1. Export equipment requires high-value, multi-directional additions. Expand high-value categories, guarantee product profits, maintain enterprise consumption in foreign trade exports, and guarantee investment and technological advantages in market expansion. It can eliminate the quagmire of price war with peers and improve product competitiveness and brand influence;
2. To solve the problem of increasing production costs, industries can be transferred and the core production of the manufacturing process is set up in areas with low production costs, and parts with production requirements. resistance in R&D are exploited in places economically aassets. This can actually reduce some of the cost. Of course, you can also consider outsourcing all parts except the core business. , aggressive cost reduction.
3. At present, small and medium-sized private enterprises dominate textile instrument exports. However, in competition, small and medium-sized enterprises have to compete with large enterprises and do not have obvious advantages. Therefore, textile instrument enterprises should focus on unity and cooperation, stay together as a team, and utilize each other\'s advantages. Complementarity promotes the development of exports of textile instruments of foreign trade rather than brutal competition between them, which leads to chaos in the entire industry.
4. Standard Group believes that all export business is ultimately about exporting technology and technology.births. Therefore, the technological innovation of home textile instruments and the pool of R&D talents and knowledge are crucial. Knowledge and talent are at the heart of a country. Competitiveness also applies to the textile instrument industry and other industries, so domestic textile instrument enterprises should realize this and do a good job in technological innovation.
Based on the above issues, Standard Group believes that under the current circumstances of increasing difficulties in foreign trade exports and fierce market competition, my country\'s textile instrument industry must stand firm. cut. Made in China has gradually transformed into intelligent manufacturing in China. Standard Group has reason to believe that my country\'s textile instrument industry will definitely achieve good development results in the future.r and will be at the same level.

