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Textile tools should benefit from the “Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank” to expand the influence of the “Belt and Road”

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-07 Click:135

Standard Group transferred from the marketing department. With the rise of China’s economy and the improvement of its comprehensive national strength, the chairman proposed the founding initiative on October 2, 2013. On October 24, 2014, the finance ministers and authorized representatives of 21 countries, including China, India, Singapore, etc., signed a contract in Beijing and jointly decided to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (also called "AIIB").

In recent years, China's high-level strategic initiative to jointly build the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" has attracted the attention of the world and received positive comments from relevant countries. With the release of the "Vision and Actions to Promote the Joint Construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road", the announcement of "One Belt, One Road" has entered a comprehensive promotion phase.

"Call and go". "Belt" refers to the "Silk Road Economic Belt", which is located on land. It has three directions starting from China, one is through Central Asia and Russia to Europe; the other is through Central Asia and Western Asia to the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea; the third is from China to Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Indian Ocean. "One Road" refers to the "21st century Maritime Silk Road". There are two main directions. One is from the coastal ports of China to the Indian Ocean and extends to Europe; the other is from China's coastal ports to the South Pacific via the South China Sea.

In the "2015 Action Plan for the Implementation of the Quality Development Outline" issued by the General Bureau of the State Council, it is clearly stated that this year, around the implementation of the "Belt and Road" strategy, cooperation in the fields of inspection and quarantine, certification and accreditation will be freshstrength. The 2015 "National Working Points for Combating Intellectual Property Infringement and the Production and Sale of Counterfeit and Sloppy Goods" proposes to carry out the "Made in China" overseas "breeze" image maintenance action, draw up a three-year action plan, and carry out special rectification of key goods exported to countries and regions along the "Belt and Road". It fully demonstrates the important role of the quality foundation in the trade cooperation of the "Belt and Road".

According to economic statistics, the volume of trade in goods between China and countries along the route reached $1.12 trillion in 2014, accounting for a quarter of my country's total trade in goods. In the future, the "Belt and Road" will become an economic corridor with historical and cultural heritage.

The market analyst of Standard Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. pointed out that instruments for testing textilesl should make full use of the "Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank" and national policy support, continuously strengthen their own technical strength and innovative concepts, and make full use of the "Belt and Road" opportunity to create a new influence for China's manufacturing and create a new chapter for the industrial civilization of the Chinese nation.

* Fully respond to the country's call and fully combine the two using the "AIIB" and "One Belt, One Road" policy dividends. The AIIB will actively support the infrastructure construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. The textile industry will also use the capital policy to increase the infrastructure investment of the Belt and Road Initiative and fully prepare the top-level design and planning for the industrial development of the Belt and Road border areas.

Second, formulate trading rules and on quality gebased rules that the people use. In the "Belt and Road" national strategy, fullyPlaying the role of the quality foundation is to fully play the role of the quality foundation in trade as a "rule". Only when all countries and regions on the "Belt and Road" get maximum agreement on the quality "rules" will it be more conducive to better circulation and exchange of products produced by each other.

Third, it will reinterpret the power of "Made in China", increase the market influence of Made in China, and revive the style of a great country. In order to guide economic development along the "Belt and Road", it is necessary to create a good ecological environment, formulate norms and standards conducive to industry development, and lead the healthy development of the ecosystem with higher and more scientific standards.

Fourth, theChina's textile testing industry in the context of new opportunities must improve its own capabilities. Iron forging still needs its own hard work. China's textile instrument industry needs to strengthen research and development and innovation, firmly understand the market demand, increase product quality, technology content and improve product value. Through exchange and cooperation in standards, metrology, inspection and testing, certification and accreditation, inspection and quarantine, etc., use the most advanced technology and concepts to sing "Chinese standards" on the "Belt and Road" and help China's production.

