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The development of ADAS towards autonomous driving is a major automotive trend.

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-09 Click:113

The development of ADAS towards autonomous driving is a major automotive trend

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are more increasingly sophisticated and widespread, with a defined automatic horizontal alignment The “ultimate goal” of fully autonomous driving is approaching. This automobile megatrend continues to gain momentum, stimulating the automobile industry and consumers to develop different views and perspectives, and consumers will definitely be deeply affected by this wave of development trends attomobile.

Some motorists look forward to the day when they can get from point A to point B without having to drive themselves and with more of security. And some people may not expect autonomous driving as much, because then the pleasure of driving may disappear.

In fact, technology in the automotive field is evolving rapidly. Automakers and supplists are beginning to cooperate with advanced electronic component manufacturers to continue to complement their expertise and technology. Companies such as ON Semiconductor are participating and also invest in powertrain, infotainment and other automotive electronics related areas.

Although ON Semiconductor is a semiconductor component manufacturer, its expanding automotive electronics product line and in-depth knowledge mean that more and more multiple components can be integrated or combined into system solutions highly reliable, thereby helping frontline manufacturers and OEMs launch new ADAS faster and more efficiently. It is obvious that ADAS, from advanced ADAS to fully autonomous vehicles require the development of smart, safe and reliable chip solutions. reliable.

Many parts of the world are clearly changing, and much of this is due to technological progress. In the automotive field in particular, almost all discussions focus on fully autonomous or driverless vehicles. In the automotive field in particular, almost all discussions focus on fully autonomous or driverless vehicles. Overall, attitudes towards driving are changing; previous generations of drivers had a lot of fun, some even almost loved cars. Today, more and more people simply want to get from one point to another. A to point B quickly, safely and efficiently.

In the process of automobile automation, safety is a key factor. According to 2017 data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.25 million people die every year in car accidents. road, and an additional 20 to 50 million people are injured or disabled in traffic accidents. As reported by the U.S. Department of Transportation in 2016. As data from May 2019 highlights, the vast majority of these road accidents are caused by human error. Of the more than 2 million road accidents in the United States each year, 94% are caused by driver error.

Innovation or evolution?

The development of self-driving cars will be a continuous and rapid evolution rather than an innovation. Since the 1980s, strong related research has developed, with 50 companies now actively developing self-driving cars, and a number number of major university projects further advancing the potential of the car.

Nowadays, the functions of cars are electronic. Quite commonly, electrical componentsSophisticated electronics are used in key areas such as powertrain, bodywork, interior, lighting and active safety systems. These systems continue to evolve and a major trend is the improvement of sensing and in-vehicle networks, combined with individual functions. Towards integrated autonomous vehicles.

Figure 1: Even level vehicles startup also have a large number of electronic components.

Many vehicles today include automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning systems, active cruise control, and features such as blind-spot monitoring and automatic parking. These systems are no longer limited to luxury vehicles, but have expanded to entry-level vehicles, and these automated features make a valuable contribution to controlling the driving of the car.

Turning Point

As production vehicles evolve through approved ADAS levels to become fully autonomous and connected cars, the automotive industry will reach a tipping point where integrated monitoring will be provided within the vehicle itself. As the development of autonomous systems and big data becomes more and more dependent, and may also include areas beyond automotive, the importance of functional safety and cybersecurity of systems will increase . Companies like ON Semiconductor have already understood this and are implementing it through hardware and software. Innovations address these concerns.

Figure 2: The industry is rapidly approaching the tipping point for autonomous driving.

The key to following this trick is effective \"sensor fusion\".When a vehicle\'s different systems are connected together, the ability to make more complex, safety-critical decisions increases, as does redundancy to avoid errors that could lead to accidents.

Sensor Fusion

Vision is one of the increasingly important aspects of motivational technologies, used to support active safety features , including reversing and front cameras, and ADAS in the cabin.

However, different types of sensors have their specific advantages and disadvantages - may be long or short range performance, or the ability to work in adverse weather conditions, etc. Thus, being able to combine and processing data from multiple types of sensors to ensure the right decisions, responses and adjustments are very necessary. This may include a combination of image sensors, radar and lidar.

Functional safety

Most ADAS The main sensor of the system is the image sensor, which is an important element of the overall functional safety of the system. With the introduction of ISO 26262, the integrity levels automotive safety standards range from the most basic ASIL-A to the highest ASIL-D. The ASIL rating is determined by three factors: the severity of the failure, the probability of the failure, and the ability to control the impact of the outage.

Functional safety starts with sensors, as delays and issues such as high-speed fault detection have been identified as significant issues of great concern by automotive OEMs, tier one manufacturers and manufacturers. sensor manufacturers. If ADAS, particularly image sensors for systems such as adaptive cruise control, collision warning and pedestrian detection, do not perform fault detection, which may mean that a disaster is about to happen.

Detecting any of the thousands of potential failure modes requires intensive use of the processor type, and each fault requires its own algorithm. In fact, some faults may not be detected at the system level. Latency in fault-tolerant systems is a major concern for all system designers: in simple terms, it is the time between a fault and the system returning to a safe state. For security reasons, faults must be detected and resolved before dangerous events occur.

Figure 3: Latency is a key parameter in the defect detection process.

As the vision sensor ages. More and more advanced functional safety issues. Fault detection is moving from ADAS systems to the sensors themselves. With this integrated detection, faults can be identified from the design The advantages of the sensor The fault detection capabilities are improved and the pressure isimpact on the processing capabilities of the ADAS system.

Today, many ADAS systems still struggle to meet the standard requirements of ASIL-B. In the short term, the number of systems required to meet ASIL-B regulations will increase significantly. If future ADAS systems are widely used, they will even have to meet the stricter ASIL-C and ASIL-D regulations. Semiconductor manufacturers such as ON Semiconductor are actively working in this area and have sophisticated security mechanisms built into manyimage sensors to guarantee total functional safety.

In addition, in order to meet the needs of specific functions and the strict requirements of the automobile operating environment, the ADAS image sensor combines robustness and reduction of light flicker. (LFM. LFM solves the problem caused by objects caused by LED headlights or taillights in the sensor\'s field of view. error of judgment problems), superior infrared performance and the ability to work in harsh conditions. extremely bright brightnessinous or weak.


ADAS is one aspect of increasing electronic content and functionality in vehicles and is perhaps the area that is experiencing the fastest growing. The journey to fully autonomous driving is accelerating and the industry is approaching a tipping point. Advanced, functionally safe vision sensors will be at the heart of future ADAS systems. Combining these sensors with other automotive technology and ensuring cybersecurity will enable the automotive industry to gor beyond the next tipping point of a truly autonomous vehicle.live.

