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The market is cooling and transformation is accelerating. The automotive industry is on the verge of a global adjustment. أداة الاختبار –

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-09 Click:118

As the market cools and transformation accelerates, the automobile industry is entering the eve of global adjustment.

According to previous forecasts by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, automobile sales in China in 2017 will be around 29.4 million units. , with a growth rate of 5%. However, at the recent 2017 China Auto Industry Regional Economic Summit, many experts mentioned that it may be difficult to achieve the 5% growth target this year. Data shows that from January to October this year, car sales in China amounted to 22.927 million units. China\'s automobile market environment is undergoing profound changes, and the automobile market may enter a period of low-speed growth after reaching 30 million vehicles. In addition, the automotive industry is undergoing digital transformation andpolicies related to new energy vehicles have also entered a period of adjustment. Based on this, experts suggest that automakers adjust their slimming to adapt to new changes in the market environment.

Entering a period of low-speed growth after 30 million vehicles

Since this year, the Chinese automobile market has maintained a constant and positive trend. Production and sales rose 4.3% and 4.1%, respectively, from January to October, but revenue and profit growth at major companies lagged the national industrial average. Chen Bin, executive vice president of the China Machinery Industry Federation, said: \"The main turnover of the automobile industry from January to September was 18.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 10 .67% over one year, or 1.85 point percentage less than the national industrial growth rate; the profit was 1.276342 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.69%, which was 9.11 percentage points lower than the national industrial growth rate.

Regarding the future development of the automobile market, Chen Bin believes that 30 million vehicles is a very important threshold. After that, the automobile industry will enter a period of low-speed growth, with a growth rate of 3%. “The development goal in a period of low-speed growth is to build a brand. Anyone who does not have a good independent brand will not be able to establish themselves. On the surface, competition in the automobile industry is a competition for technology, but in fact it is a competition for talent. Especially for state-owned enterprises, the reform of the employment mechanism is very important. » emphasizedborn Chen Bin.

In Chen Bin\'s view, my country\'s engineering industry has achieved three major milestones in the transformation and modernization period: one is industrial materials ; the other concerns industrial control systems; the third is special production equipment and special production lines. and dedicated detection systems. He said: “When we visited car manufacturers, we found that many production lines were imported. Compared with similar foreign products, our products have a gap in stability and reliability. The fundamental reason lies in the materials. Cars are no longer just mechanical products. Mechanical products are closely related to many disciplines. However, at the same time, the division of management labor in the automobile industry is too detailed and is to some extent separatedand other industries. \" In this regard, Chen Bin gave an example. He said: \"The automobile industry has been closely integrated with electronics. However, when the electronics industry organizes meetings, the automobile industry cannot participate; When the machinery industry holds meetings, the electronics industry cannot participate. In the era of big data, digital transformation has become a problem that all industries must face. What does digital transformation mean for the automotive industry? Shi Yaodong, deputy director of the Industrial Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council, believes that digital transformation has brought changes in the development dynamics, development methods and development models of the \'automobile industry.

From a global point of view, whether on a physical or virtual level, changesements in the automobile industry are unprecedented: platformization, high-end, service-oriented, economical and other physical changes at the virtual level have advanced; changes at the virtual level have become more significant in recent years. Networks, assisted driving, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence... are reshaping the automobile industry.

“Digital transformation has not only penetrated the supply side of automobile design, logistics, manufacturing, management, etc., but also penetrated the product marketing, repair and maintenance, installations. services, business insurance, personnel Interaction with vehicles, as well as applicationsuch as road safety management and business model management. » Shi Yaodong said: “Digital transformation will create greater value space in these areas. »

Facing the transformationdigital mation, Shi Yaodong suggested that top-down design should be carried out. Digital transformation is a systematic project. While market power is exercised, the promotional role of government must be better used. From a macro level, digital infrastructure must be addressed, such as platforms for networked value creation and collaborative innovation; From a micro level, rapid response mechanisms can be built on the platform to innovate business models, etc. The combination of the two can not only solve current problems, but also focus on long-term development. It is a combination of two strategic objectives.

Shi Yaodong stressed that the transformation will not happen overnight, but is a slow process. It will take 5 to 10 years to apply it. in-depth digital technology to achieve co-integrationcomplete physical and virtual worlds of the automotive industry. Fusion.

■ Policies relating to new energy vehicles are facing adjustments.

Compared with the progress of digitalization, the need for change in the new energy vehicle field is even greater. urgent. In the past, thanks to subsidy policies, China\'s new energy vehicles have made great progress. However, generous subsidies have also caused some enterprises to develop a dependency mentality, which is not conducive to the healthy development of China\'s new energy vehicle industry. Recently, new energy vehicle policies have been introduced one after another to reverse this situation. The most representative is undoubtedly the “double points” policy.

Wu Songquan, chief expert of the Chi Centernois of automobile technology research, told reporters: \"Policies related to new energy vehicles have entered a period of adjustment, which will more emphasize the role of taking advantage of technological progress and promoting the market . “There are three main manifestations of the policy entering the adjustment period: first, in terms of subsidy policy, enterprises that cannot meet technical standards cannot apply for or sell products; second, in terms of \"double points\" policy, passenger car manufacturers must meet the new points proportion requirements for energy vehicles; third, in terms of fuel consumption management, enterprises must meet the challenge of fuel consumption of 5 liters/100 kilometers in 2020 and 4 liters/100 kilometers in 2025.


In Frontto policy adjustments, Wu Songquan put forward four suggestions: implement a more proactive new energy vehicle development strategy and accelerate the transformation toward electrification; accelerate and increase intelligence Network layout; improve independent strength as soon as possible; establish global thinking and Internet thinking. Regarding global thinking, Wu Songquan explained: “Our country is building a new open economic system. The opening of the automobile industry is accelerating. Trade liberalization is the main manifestation and the reduction of customs duties is the most important aspect. At present, the automobile industry in developed countries Tariffs are already very low, such as zero in Japan, 2.5% in the United States, and only 10% in the European Union. In an open competitive environment, the market will survive the strongest and automakers mustuse all domestic and foreign resources to fully strengthen their own strength.\"

New energy vehicles have entered a period of adjustment, which means that the era post-subsidy approach. How to design policies in the post-subsidy era? Wang Binggang, head of the expert group of the National New Energy Vehicle Innovation Project, suggested establishing zero-emission zones in some cities , expand the scale of cities without restrictions on travel and purchases, subsidize the operation of electric vehicles in the public sector and formulation of regulations for the electrification of public sector vehicles. Objectives and projects.

