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What situation will the textile industry find itself in in 2016?

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-10 Click:124

Since 2016, affected by factors such as rising domestic labor costs and depreciation of settlement currency exchange rates, my country\'s textile exports have declined; on the other hand, domestic consumer demand is still not satisfied. The textile industry still faces many challenges.
The ancients said: “When you see a virtuous person, think of him; when you see a virtuous person, you should introspect yourself. » Of course, you must learn and imitate what you see, otherwise you will sink into the waves and be abandoned by time. There is no shame in imitating. What is shameful is simple imitation, that is to say imitation.
More than half of the world\'s textiles are produced in China
From industrial exploitation to structural adjustment to transformation and modernization, during the period of \"Twelfth Five-Year Plan\", my country\'s production The textile industry continued to develop rapidly. Technological progress has achieved remarkable results, the industrial structure has been continuously optimized, the quality brands have been improved, and some brands have begun to enter the market.
The filter materials that people care about, such as air filtration, water filtration and oil filtration, are textiles; the lightweight design of automobiles, planes and trains also requires textile composite materials; even artificial blood vessels and artificial organs implanted in the human body are also textile products.
“Textile products have penetrated all areas of human life. Gao Yong, vice president of China Textile and Garment Industry Federation, said.
In recent years, the structureindustrial performance of the textile industry has been continuously optimized. Data shows that from 2014, the proportion of fiber consumption in clothing, home textiles and industrial fiber consumption has been adjusted from 51:29:20 in 2010 to 46.8:28.6: 24.6.
\"China already has the largest textile industry in the world.\" Gao Yong said that the current outputThe share of China\'s textile industry has exceeded half of the world\'s total output, and the share of textile fiber processing volume and export value has further increased, exceeding one third of the world.
Many Chinese clothing brands have entered the Chinese market. For example: Jiangnan Buyi has opened 38 stores in more than 10 countries and regions, including Japan, France and Russia; Bosideng sells in more than 400 Chinese brand collection stores in 8 countries, etc.
Analysis of data on Chinese exports ofe textiles and clothing
In 2015, China\'s exports of textiles and clothing to the United States United States exports increased year-on-year, while exports to the EU decreased year on year.
The China Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce revealed on the 5th that China\'s textile and clothing exports to the United States increased by nearly 7% year-on-year in 2015. Looking at quarterly exports, exports to the United States increased by approximately 11%, 7.4%, 8% and 1.8% year-on-year respectively in the four quarters of This year.
Among them, China\'s textile and clothing exports to the United States maintained sustained and steady growth in the first three quarters, while the growth rate of its exports to the United States increased. is considerably reduit in the fourth trimester. Analysis shows that the main reason for the rapid decline of China\'s textile and clothing exports to the United States is the rapid growth of exports to the United States from low-cost countries such as Southeast Asia. East.
At the same time, China\'s textile and clothing exports to the EU fell 9.43% year-on-year in 2015. Exports to the EUAmong major provinces and cities, only Guangdong maintained slight growth.
From the perspective of Chinese textile and clothing exporting countries to the EU in 2015, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands are the main markets for Chinese exports to the EU, accounting for two thirds. of the EU market. Among them, exports to the United Kingdom increased by almost 8%, while those of the other five countries decreased respectively.
During the sameDuring the period, among the other 22 EU countries, China\'s textile and clothing exports to Finland and Estonia increased rapidly, while exports to Greece, Slovenia and Austria increased slightly.
The export volume of the textile industry continues to decline. Customs data shows that in 2015, China exported $291.1 billion of textiles and clothing, a year-on-year decline of 4.8 percent.
As Japan and Europe are the main export markets for textiles and clothing, the depreciation of the yen and the euro has also compressed Chinese textile exports. Customs data shows that in 2015, China\'s textile and clothing exports to the EU fell 9.3% year-on-year and exports to Japan fell 11.6% year-on-year.
Chinese residents shift part of their consumption abroad. According to data from the Ministry of Industry andof Information Technology, in 2014, Chinese residents spent more than 1 trillion yuan abroad, and commercial consumption accounted for more than 500 billion yuan. Some of the items purchased were textiles such as clothing and shoes.
“The biggest gap is brand awareness and influence. » Feng Fei, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that compared with foreign products, there is a gap between quality brands, some foreign consumer goods are cheaper and Foreign products implement high standards and good consumption. The environment is the main reason why Chinese people buy abroad.
Like the mobile telephone industry, the textile and clothing industry is also a context where a hundred schools of thought flourish and compete, inextremely fierce competition. Among the many competitors, there are also well-known star companies, such as Shandong Ruyi Group, Shenghong Group and Heilan House. I believe their number of imitators is not less than Xiaomi, but the result of many imitators is almost always \"being imitated all the time, but *\". The reason is that in the process of imitation, they did not grasp the true driving force and core of the company\'s strong development, and only succeeded in obtaining formal imitation. Shandong Ruyi ranks first in China in terms of equipment and management, and Shenghong Group is at the forefront of technological R&D and innovation. These are things that other companies struggle to learn and are worth learning. We must believe that “heroes are difficult to copy”. It’s not enough to learn from other companies. It is only by learning, by digesting, by absorbing and recreating that we can achieve corporate transcendence.

